Forecast stock price movements using geometric Brownian motion
Running simulation...
Markets are unpredictable, and stock prices fluctuate due to countless factors—economic conditions, investor sentiment, and even unexpected global events. But what if we could simulate thousands of possible futures and make data-driven decisions? That’s where Monte Carlo Stock Price Simulation comes in! 🚀
Monte Carlo Simulation is a powerful statistical technique used in finance to model and predict stock price movements. It’s based on random sampling—we simulate a stock’s future thousands (or even millions) of times, each time with different possible market conditions, to see what might happen.
At its core, the model assumes stock prices follow a Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM), meaning:
The simulation engine implements Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) using the formula:
\[ S_{t+1} = S_t \times e^{(\mu - \frac{1}{2} \sigma^2) \Delta t + \sigma \sqrt{\Delta t} Z_t} \]
Visitors will input key financial parameters, and the app will generate Number of Simulations (M) of stock price paths to visualize possible outcomes. The simulation will:
✔️ Generate Multiple Stock Price Paths 📊
✔️ Show a Time Series Plot of potential future prices 📈
✔️ Compute a Confidence Interval 🔍
✔️ Provide Statistical Insights on expected return and risk
The appropriate min/max input values for each financial parameter admited by our simulator are:
Monte Carlo methods are widely used in financial risk analysis, investment strategies, and trading. Here’s how they help:
Investors use Monte Carlo simulations with different random distributions to estimate the probability of different future stock prices based on historical data and volatility.
By simulating stock price movements, fund managers can assess how a portfolio might perform under different market conditions.
Monte Carlo is essential in pricing complex financial instruments like options and derivatives, where randomness plays a big role.
Rather than relying on gut feelings, investors use these simulations to make informed decisions based on statistical probability.
Stock markets will always be uncertain. But Monte Carlo Simulation gives us a way to quantify uncertainty—instead of predicting a single number, it provides a range of possible outcomes and their likelihood. Whether you're a casual investor or a quantitative analyst, this technique can help you navigate market risks with confidence.
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